Diumenge Ara Tu 22/04/2012

Practice your English

1 min


*. to overshadow: eclipsar

2. forthcoming: pròxim

3. no-nonsense: sensat

4. firefighter: bomber

5. source: font

6. to release: estrenar

7. turn: gir

8. ambassador at large: ambaixador extraordinari

9. relief: ajuda

10. to shuttle: anar i venir

11. to turn out: acabar

12. slice: porció

13. set: plató

14. rush: escena acabada de filmar

15. to dazzle: enlluernar

16. to book end: fer caber una activitat entre dues altres activitats

17. to delve: furgar

18. injury: lesió

19. threat: amenaça

20. to break through: superar

21. stuff: coses

22. to squeeze out: anar sortint a poc a poc


Find the following cinema related words in the text.

1. The name for film in American English.

2. A biographical movie.

3. First showing of a film.

4. The part an actor plays in a film or play

5. To show a film in a cinema.


In these sentences taken from the text, put the word in brackets in the correct form.

1. Mr. Penn accepted the part a day after ....................... (read) the script.

2. I wanted ...................... (be) surprised by the overall look of the movie.

3. I had ............................ (be) single-parenting after a divorce for about eight months.

4. You look behind you and the train is ............................. (come).


1. movie / 2. biopic / 3. premiere /

4. role / 5. to screen

1. reading / 2. to be / 3. been /

4. coming
