Societat 21/06/2012

22% of Spanish teenagers do not have a basic level of English

Spain is trailing behind regarding foreign-language competences in Europe, followed only by Poland, France and the UK

Sònia Sánchez
1 min
NERVIS ABANS DE LES PROVES La Núria, l'Adrià i la Marta feien ahir l'últim repàs abans dels exàmens de selectivitat que comencen avui.

BarcelonaLlegeix la notícia en català

22% of Spanish students aged 14 and 15 do not reach a basic level of English. Only 13% finish compulsory secondary education with a B2 level, which is the equivalent of a First Certificate in English or a level B in Catalan, according to the Eurobarometer on language skills published today.

These figures place Spain at the end of Europe's queue, below the average of 23% of students aged 14 and 15 who obtain a level B2 and above the 14% who, in Europe, do not obtain the most basic level. In fact, as far as English levels are concerned, Spain only exceeds Poland, where 24% of students do not have a basic level; France, where the figure is 31%; the United Kingdom, where 30% of students aged 14 and 15 do not obtain the basic competences in French, the main foreign language in schools.

In fact, the survey conducted by the EU in 14 European countries, (it was voluntary and some countries did not participate), 54% of Spanish teenagers said they were unable to speak in a foreign language. 22% said they were able to hold a conversation in English, 9% in French and 2% in German.

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