9-N, two years after those photos at the polls

On a day like today two years ago, over two million three hundred thousand Catalans went to vote.

Antoni Bassas
1 min
Institut La Salle de Gràcia ALBERT GEA / REUTERS

On a day like today two years ago, over two million three hundred thousand Catalans went to vote. The non-binding referendum on Catalan independence made headlines around the world. It was a surprising Sunday, even for us. It was not exactly what we wanted, and we are indeed still hoping for. Today the smiles on the photos from 9-N in front of cardboard ballot boxes might seem naive, but the criminal charges faced by everyone from Mas on down are not exactly made of cardboard.

If anyone believes that it was only a mock vote, consider the legal resolutions that have been raining down since the victory of "Yes" on 27-S. The 9-N consultation was an act of courage and empowerment, of mental and social sovereignty that honored us as citizens, and which deserves to be followed through in peace, with unity and political intelligence.
