
Mor als 54 anys Michael Clarke Duncan, l'actor de 'La milla verde'

L'intèrpret va patir un atac de cor el 13 de juliol, del qual no va es va poder recuperar


BarcelonaMichael Clarke Duncan, actor nord-americà que va participar en pel·lícules com ara 'La milla verde' –per la qual va ser nominat a l'Oscar–, va morir aquest dilluns a Los Angeles. Clarke Duncan, de 54 anys, no es va poder recuperar de l'atac de cor que havia sofert el passat 13 de juliol.

L'actor va començar la seva carrera com a guardaespatlles d'estrelles com Will Smith, Jamie Foxx o LL Cool J, però la mort de The Notorious B.I.G. el va convèncer per centrar-se en la interpretació. La seva primera aparició important a la gran pantalla va ser el 1998, a la fantasia apocalíptica 'Armageddon', de Michael Bay. L'any següent va arribar el gran personatge de la seva carrera, John Coffey, un pres del corredor de la mort, coprotagonista junt amb Tom Hanks a 'La milla verde'.

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La nominació a l'Oscar que va aconseguir per a aquest personatge no el va convertir en una estrella, però li va obrir les portes de Hollywood durant la dècada següent, on es va consolidar com a secundari de luxe a pel·lícules com 'Daredevil', 'Sin City' i 'Passat de voltes', on va demostrar els seus dots per a la comèdia al costat de Will Ferrell i John C. Reilly.

Frank Darabont, el director de 'La milla verde', recordava l'actor en un comunicat com "una de les millors persones amb qui he tingut el privilegi de treballar". "Michael era l'ànima més gentil, un exemple de decència, integritat i bondat. La tristesa que sento no es pot expressar". El mànager de l'actor, Dan Spillo, també va emetre un comunicat després de conèixer la mort del seu client i amic. "Era l'únic actor que he conegut al qual, molt sovint, quan els seus fans se li apropaven, no era per demanar-li un autògraf, sinó per fer-li una abraçada", va afirmar. "Tenia un cor tan gran com el món".

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Duncan began his career as a celebrity bodyguard before breaking into Hollywood with roles like Bear in Armageddon and Coffey in The Green Mile which capitalized on his imposing stature, booming voice, and often gentle demeanor; after earning numerous accolades for his performance opposite Tom Hanks in the Frank Darabont film, Duncan went on to notable roles in films like The Whole Nine Yards, Planet of the Apes, The Scorpion King, Daredevil, Sin City, and The Island.

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Duncan began his career as a celebrity bodyguard before breaking into Hollywood with roles like Bear in Armageddon and Coffey in The Green Mile which capitalized on his imposing stature, booming voice, and often gentle demeanor; after earning numerous accolades for his performance opposite Tom Hanks in the Frank Darabont film, Duncan went on to notable roles in films like The Whole Nine Yards, Planet of the Apes, The Scorpion King, Daredevil, Sin City, and The Island.

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Duncan began his career as a celebrity bodyguard before breaking into Hollywood with roles like Bear in Armageddon and Coffey in The Green Mile which capitalized on his imposing stature, booming voice, and often gentle demeanor; after earning numerous accolades for his performance opposite Tom Hanks in the Frank Darabont film, Duncan went on to notable roles in films like The Whole Nine Yards, Planet of the Apes, The Scorpion King, Daredevil, Sin City, and The Island.

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Duncan began his career as a celebrity bodyguard before breaking into Hollywood with roles like Bear in Armageddon and Coffey in The Green Mile which capitalized on his imposing stature, booming voice, and often gentle demeanor; after earning numerous accolades for his performance opposite Tom Hanks in the Frank Darabont film, Duncan went on to notable roles in films like The Whole Nine Yards, Planet of the Apes, The Scorpion King, Daredevil, Sin City, and The Island.

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