
We're going to fix this together

Un país que s'estima tant la llengua com el nostre és l'ideal per ser el país de les llengües. A country like ours, that loves its own language so much, is ideally positioned to be a country of languages. El lloc on sempre plantarem cara, però sempre, per defensar la nostra. It is a place where we will always defiantly defend what is ours. I on alhora entenem el valor, la riquesa i les portes que ens obren altres idiomes, que no són útils només per poder-nos explicar al món, també i sobretot per poder escoltar i entendre'l millor, compartir coneixement global, obrir-nos la ment. Where we appreciate the wealth and perspectives offered by other languages. Languages that are not only useful in the sense of helping us to speak to the world, but more importantly help us to listen to and understand it better, to share global knowledge and to open up our minds. Avui fem el diari amb titulars en anglès com un joc per cridar l'atenció. Today's newspaper features titles in English as a playful way of drawing attention to this. El dossier delata la feinada que ens queda per fer per millorar-ne l'aprenentatge. Our dossier describes the work we still have to do in order to improve the way we learn. Volem deixar escrit el compromís de l'ARA. We want to put in writing ARA's commitment. Això ho hem d'arreglar plegats. This is a problem that we have to fix together.